9 Steps to Find a Franchise Consultant or Coach

Magnifying glass revealing the 9 steps to finding a franchise coach on a piece of paper

It feels like yesterday.

I was a new stay at home mom, 27 years old, having left my teaching position to take care of my one-year-old daughter and two-year-old son full time. Leaving the comfort of the known (a salary with benefits) – moving into the unknown (SAHM) was a leap of faith financially and I knew that I needed to find something to supplement my income.

It was probably my first lesson in the concept of “who NOT how”. I asked myself, who can help me find a way to supplement my income. I told friends and family to let me know if they came across anything I could do from home to supplement my income.

My mom, who is a resourceful problem solver called me one day with an idea. The idea was intriguing, so I decided to put some effort into the possibility.

A few months later, Just Between Friends (JBF) was launched.

Six years after starting Just Between Friends, with a partner, we began considering the idea of franchising our successful, profitable business. We had proven the concept in other territories and were hopeful it would work as a franchise.

Back in 2003, franchising a service-based, seasonal concept was pretty much unheard of.

My business partner and I needed information, but we weren’t sure how to get it.

We bought the book “Franchising for Dummies” by Michael Seid (I now know him) and Dave Thomas (Wendy’s founder). We didn’t have tiny computers (iPhones) at our disposal; Google was not a front-runner in search yet, and Ai was not even a fantasy in our minds. Books, magazines, mainstream media, and other PEOPLE were how knowledge-share happened.

Thankfully, in a conversation with my twin sister, Tara – she mentioned that she was friends with the wife of the guy who started Cici’s Pizza. In quick fashion, an introduction was made to Joe Croce, co-founder of Cici’s, who had just successfully exited his pizza chain that had over 400 brick and mortar locations and was operating in over 20 states. Joe’s story was the epitome of what we wanted to achieve someday…he started his business, successfully ran and then successfully exited his business.

Graciously, Joe agreed to meet with me and my co-founder so that we could ask questions. The 3-hour, in-person, meeting went fast and we left there energized to begin the process of franchising. I laugh as I type this – laugh so I don’t cry. The unknown that was before us was vast, yet we really didn’t know what we didn’t know.

Research professor, author, and podcast host, Brene Brown calls failures “learnings”.

The next 4 years were a series of learnings. We were then, thankfully, introduced to the International Franchise Association (IFA). I have often said that I wish I had known about the IFA well before franchising JBF. The information, education, relationships, and support that come along with a membership were and ARE so valuable. File this tidbit of information away in your head in case you ever decide to franchise – becoming a member of IFA is step 1!

Infographic about how do we do this? and Who can do this for us?

Let’s be realistic.

If you have a concept currently operating successfully in one or more markets, you are likely working nights and weekends and dreaming about your business while you sleep (and not the good kind of dreams).

You are an ambitious, high achiever who has grit and visions for the future. You likely want to expand your enterprise and capitalize on its growth. But how do you find the time to expand and dominate when you spend all day long operating your concept?

In Dan Sullivan’s book “Who NOT How”, he and co-author Ben Hardy suggest that we have been trained to ask the wrong question. We typically ask HOW we can do something instead of WHO can do it.

For ambitious business professionals aiming to expand their enterprise and capitalize on the power of franchising, having the guidance of a skilled franchise consultant or coach is paramount. This person becomes your WHO!

Believe me when I say that franchising offers a unique opportunity to grow a business exponentially while leveraging the resources and efforts of dedicated franchisees. However, navigating the complexities of the franchising world requires expert advice and on-going support. It is beyond helpful to have a franchise consultant or coach help you navigate what lies ahead and hold your hand through the process.

My goal in this blog is to explore the best ways to find a franchise consultant or coach to help business professionals achieve their scaling objectives and stay in the game for the long haul.

The words WHO with a magnifying glass as the O

Here are 9 steps to find your WHO.

Define Your Objectives: Before beginning your search for your WHO (a franchise consultant or coach), it is crucial to clarify your business goals and objectives. What specific areas do you need assistance with? Are you seeking advice on franchise development, legal matters, marketing strategies, or operational improvements? By defining your needs, you can better narrow down the type of consultant or coach that would be the best fit for you and your business.

Research Reputable Franchise Consultants and Coaches: Take advantage of the vast resources available online to research reputable franchise consultants and coaches. Look for professionals who have a proven track record of success in the franchising industry. Check their websites, read client testimonials, and explore their backgrounds and expertise. Make sure they have relevant experience in your industry or the type of business you want to franchise.

Seek Recommendations: Networking within the franchising community can yield valuable recommendations. Reach out to other business professionals who have successfully scaled their ventures through franchising and ask for their suggestions on consultants or coaches they worked with. Personal recommendations often carry more weight and provide insights into the consultant's effectiveness and approach.

Attend Franchise Events and Conferences: Franchise expos, conferences, and events are excellent platforms for meeting potential franchise consultants and coaches. These gatherings attract experts and professionals from various facets of franchising. Engaging with them in person allows you to gauge their expertise, communication skills, and alignment with your business objectives. The International Franchise Association serves the franchising community by hosting multiple conferences every year. Check here for the latest events - https://www.franchise.org/events

I do want to share that my two most favorite events for emerging franchise brands are:

            The Emerging Franchise Conference hosted by IFA in November annually. This event is typically for newer, younger brands with less than 50 franchises and even those who are just thinking about franchising.

            The Springboard Conference hosted by two suppliers to the franchise industry, Brad Fishman of Fishman PR and Lane Fisher of Fisher Zucker Law Firm.  This conference is usually held in downtown Philadelphia annually in September.

Interview Potential Consultants or Coaches: Once you have shortlisted a few potential franchise consultants or coaches, schedule interviews with each of them. Prepare a list of questions that delve into their experience, services, approach, and fees. Inquire about the success stories of their previous clients and how they helped them achieve their franchise goals.

Evaluate Communication and Compatibility: Effective communication and a good working relationship are vital when seeking guidance from a franchise consultant or coach. During the interview process, pay attention to how well you connect with each candidate and how effectively they convey their ideas and strategies. Look for someone who understands your vision and communicates in a way that resonates with you.

Verify Credentials and Professional Associations: Ensure that the franchise consultant or coach you choose has the necessary credentials and affiliations. Look for certifications from organizations such as the International Franchise Association (IFA) like the CFE accreditation or the Franchise Brokers Association (FBA). Membership in such reputable associations is a positive sign of a consultant's commitment to professional standards.

Seek Validation: Just because someone has the correct credentials and professional accreditations does not mean that they will be a perfect fit for you. Taking the time to call current and past clients is a step that should not be missed. I want to shout it from the rooftops – TAKE THE TIME TO VALIDATE those who you want to hire. Choosing to skip this step can prove deadly to your growth initiatives. Unfortunately, there are some unscrupulous individuals that make empty promises while taking a hefty monthly fee with no return on investment. If the WHO you are interviewing will not give you the names and numbers of past clients, then this is a large red flag! What excellent coach would not want you to talk to previous and past clients? -Oh Yea…the unscrupulous kind!

Review Contract and Terms: Before finalizing your agreement with a franchise consultant or coach, thoroughly review the contract and terms of engagement. Ensure that all services, fees, deliverables, scope and expectations are clearly outlined in the contract. If you are looking for a consultant (who does the work for you) vs a coach (who tells you how to do the work), adding dates for milestones with pay at deliverable of milestone is a great way to keep consultants on their A-game! Seek legal advice if needed to fully understand the terms and obligations. Please, please, please do not sign a contract that you have not read or don’t understand. Yes, I know that some contracts are ridiculously long and hard to understand – but this is your business that we are talking about and it’s worth the time to fully grasp what you are signing. Ask me how I know this.

In the world of franchising, the guidance and expertise of a skilled franchise consultant or coach can be the key to unlocking unprecedented growth and success. Business professionals who are determined to scale their ventures through franchising must take the time to find the right consultant or coach for their specific needs. By following the steps, I mentioned above, you can identify a trusted advisor who will help you navigate the intricate path to franchising triumph. With the right guidance, emerging brands can confidently venture into the world of franchising and witness their entrepreneurial dreams expand into reality. Again…ask me how I know!

two men shaking hands

Shine Lesson Learned: Join a professional organization or community that will give you access to the “Whos” in your industry. You will see multiplication in your efforts by engaging with others.

Blessings upon blessings, Shannon


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