About Shannon Wilburn

History & Recognition

  • Shannon Wilburn began the industry’s leading franchise system in her living room. The franchise system grossed more than $40 Million in system-wide sales in 2022.

  • Coal Creek Farms is a 15 acre farm located in Jenks, Oklahoma that started as a dream and has turned into hundreds of possibilities for photographers to use to capture and create memories for their couples and families.

  • The International Franchise Association (IFA) Bonny LeVine award recognizes women who are role models for all, but especially women, by their business and professional accomplishments within franchising and their contributions to our entire society.

    Bonnie LeVine award winners lead by example, demonstrate purpose and focus on advancing women in franchising. This year’s winner (2021) has shown all of these traits and more, which is why IFA is proud to present Shannon Wilburn, CFE, CEO & co-founder, Just Between Friends, with the 2020 Bonny LeVine award during the IFA 2021 Virtual Annual Convention.

  • This award recognizes an IFA member whose charitable or community support program focuses on using creative, innovative ways to maximize the benefits and impact on their community with limited resources.

  • Forbes list of its top picks of franchises that are worth buying. Just Between Friends, a Tulsa-based organizer of children’s and maternity consignment sales, reached No. 5 on the list of small franchises. Just Between Friends made the list of franchises that cost less than $150,000 to buy into.

  • Just Between Friends’ (then) CEO Shannon Wilburn’s receipt of the 50 Women of Wonder award which highlights women who empower other women to succeed and to help others find success with their businesses. Award recipients fill a niche in the market that benefit families and other women, as well as inspire others to make change.

  • Shannon received her Certified Franchise Executive certification in 2015, issued by the International Franchise Association after completion of a series of courses to solidify franchising foundational knowledge.

  • Shannon co-founded Just Between Friends in 1997, and began franchising in 2004. Shannon is currently a Brand Ambassador with the company which began transition to new ownership after a successful transaction in December 2022.

Shine executive coaching - Shannon Wilburn franchise consulting
Shine executive coaching - Franchise Business Review


Shannon Wilburn is an Entrepreneur and business owner who loves helping others succeed in their goals through mentorship and accountability coaching. She is an experienced franchisor, franchise consultant, brand ambassador, and former CEO working in the franchising industry.

Skilled in:
Event Management
Nonprofit Organizations

Featured on various national programs, including CNN, The Today Show, The CBS Early Show, Fox News, and Good Morning America as well as numerous podcasts.

Recipient of the International Franchise Association’s Bonnie LeVine Award in 2020. This award recognizes one woman each year who is a role model for all, but especially women, by their business and professional accomplishments within franchising and their contributions to our entire society. Bonnie LeVine award winners lead by example, demonstrate purpose, and focus on advancing women in franchising.

Currently working as the owner of Shine Executive Coaching, supporting driven executives of small to midsize companies to cultivate focus, overcome obstacles and readily step into challenges they encounter as part of business development. This is done through sessions through which award-winning insight, success-driven strategy, and encouraging accountability are offered.

Continued work as Co-founder and Brand Ambassador with Just Between Friends—the Nation’s leading children’s and maternity consignment event, with over 150 locations in 32 states. What began as a living room peer-to-peer sale is now a leading franchise system, with system wide sales topping $41.7 million in 2022.

Mission, Vision, and Core Values

Mission: To inspire purpose-driven founders and entrepreneurs for more income and impact!

Vision: To be the go-to coaching agency for 6 and 7 figure purpose driven founders and entrepreneurs wanting to scale their service-based business.

Secondary Vision: To be the go-to coaching agency for 6 and 7 figure purpose driven founders and entrepreneurs wanting to scale their service-based business through multi-unit location growth.

Value Statement: Our Scale Smart Method helps purpose-driven entrepreneurs aiming to skyrocket their 6 & 7-figure service-based businesses. It's not just about advancing our client’s income and impact – we're here to smash through the perceived glass ceilings that sometimes stand in the way. We help our clients turn their big dreams into even bigger realities, paving the way for growth that's off the charts.

Core Values:

1. We are growth-minded - Our approach centers on cultivating a growth mindset that embraces not just personal development, but also focuses on advancing business objectives and profitability. We guide our clients to foster a mindset geared towards continuous improvement in all aspects of their business and professional life.

2. We figure things out - Challenges are opportunities in disguise. We guide our clients in navigating complex situations with innovative and practical solutions, fostering resilience and adaptability.

3. We are purpose-driven - At the heart of our coaching is a deep commitment to meaningful and impactful guidance. We help clients align their professional aspirations with their personal values, goals, and dreams, leading to more fulfilling careers. 

4. We value progress over perfection  - Our focus is on making consistent, incremental improvements. We encourage our clients to celebrate each step forward, understanding that the journey to excellence is a continuous process, not a one-time event.

photo of Shannon Wilburn
Shine executive coaching - Shannon Wilburn franchise consultant


A few thoughts from Shannon:

Look for the WIN/WIN

When I was a little girl, my twin Tara and I were taught a valuable lesson by my mom. If we were to share a piece of cake, Mom had one of us cut the cake, then the other got to choose her piece first. Talk about wanting to keep things even! For me, it’s a lesson I’ve carried into my career.

It’s very easy to fall into looking at how one can benefit—looking for the quickest way to win. I have found that my most coveted victories are the ones where I work with others to get to where we feel we BOTH win. It may take a bit more effort, but this pays off as the arrangement reached is one that will likely stand the test of time and be one of which we are proud to have been involved.


While I don’t think that people set out to be average, it’s too easy to be satisfied with doing average things—working just enough to get by, do an okay enough job not to get noticed. They discount their hopes and dreams, and therefore—tend to become or stay average. When this happens, dreams die. Someone without hopes or dreams is someone without direction…someone without direction is someone without focus…someone without focus is someone who stays average, and often, dissatisfied. Instead, I believe we can “reach for the stars”—AIM HIGH! Why not?! You just might get there!


I’m not sure about you, but when I think about those who are successful, they are not typically negative people. Successful people:
• smile at you
• shake your hand
• look you in the eye
• see the cup as half full instead of half empty
• are encouragers and can put others first. 
If something happens to them that anyone else would think is negative, they find a way to see the good in it. This is not just luck. Or a good childhood played out later in life. No—this is far more. It’s a chosen mindset—one that does not come naturally. Just as being negative is a habit—so is being positive. Choose to be the most positive person in the room. Your personal vibe can either turn people away or draw them in. Your attitude has a direct correlation to the opportunities that come your way.

Invest time WISELY

This is the time in your life when you need to choose how best to spend your time—and spend it wisely! Have enough time to watch 20 hours of streaming shows a week? How would that same time spent reading a book in your field of study, giving of your time freely to volunteer at a non-profit, writing your parents or others a thank you note for supporting you—or any number of things that can take you further—affect you personally or professionally? We can’t get that time back—so make the most of it (and not on the couch with a remote in your hand)!

In the real world, it can be tough— living, working, and making it happen every day. I know I don’t always get it right. There are times when my focus is off. There are occasions when I choose to be lazy. There are moments when I am negative. There are occasions when my wants are bigger than my bank account. I’m not perfect, and you won’t be either, yet we can choose to be more today than we were yesterday. We can choose to live differently—to empower our dreams and live the lives we truly want. With not much to lose (except maybe a limiting attitude or belief system) and so much to gain—isn’t it time to take bold steps in that direction? I invite you to join me. Your future awaits!

Shine executive coaching - Shannon Wilburn leadership executive coaching
Shannon Wilburn working on a computer

Why “SHINE”?

The company name “Shine” means so much to me, personally—always has as this is one of my favorite Bible verses:

“Let your light shine before men so they may see your good works and praise our Heavenly Father.”

We all have something special about us, a “mission” or opportunity to do good things while we are here in this lifetime. When we put the most we can into what we do, working to cultivate the best in ourselves, we SHINE!

When I work with others, this is my favorite part—getting to see their eyes light up as hope grows stronger and they see they are capable of far more than they knew. Yes, do your best to let your light shine! The more people that shine, the brighter the world—and our future—becomes.